National Magnetic Sensors has vast experience in manufacturing liquid level sensors and controls for a variety of industries and applications including:
• Diesel Locomotive (Read More)
• Marine (Read More)
• OEM Equipment (Read More)
• Water Treatment & Pollution Control (Read More)
• Bulk Storage Terminals (Read More)
• Energy & Power Generation (Read More)
• Chemical Storage (Read More)
• Your Application (Read More)
• And many more
DIESEL LOCOMOTIVES mobile power units that need cooling systems, hydraulic systems, fuel systems, and additive systems. National has experience with diesel fuel filling shutoffs. We manufacture components for use as locomotive coolant sensors, locomotive hydraulic systems, as well as lube oil sensors. Right of way equipment which is made to vibrate roadbeds, incorporate our sidemount switches that stand up to the extreme vibration.
MARINE applications use reduction gear to power propeller shafts. Lubrication is critical here, but the integrity of the gear is of utmost importance. A remote sensor such as the Bottle or ETS, (external tank switch) provides protection from outside the reduction gear with no possibility of loose parts ever getting into the meshing gears. The switch can be isolated with proper valving. Marine engines also consume diesel fuel, and are water-cooled, again needing monitoring.
OEM original equipment manufacturers use almost all of National Magnetic Sensors in one way or another. From Slurpy machines to cooling systems for welding machines, to condensate removal, for bearing protection, the proper sensor can provide a contact indicating trouble before failure.
WATER TREATMENT AND POLLUTION CONTROL is a diverse area often utilizing our Multi Level Sensors. These are sometimes used for pump control or indicator operation.
BULK STORAGE TERMINALS use a special series of sensors designed. for large above ground storage tanks. Working closely with industry leaders, NMS designed and engineered three distinctly different sensors that answered the needs of terminals worldwide, incorporating a magnetic Self-Checking feature that allows site personnel to periodically assure proper operation is at hand. Versalevel Sensors are the most popular of these.
ENERGY AND POWER GENERATION have some of all the requirements of locomotives, and marine applications as they all use fuel level sensors, coolant level sensors, and more.
CHEMICAL STORAGE and processing often use liquidlevel controls to operate auxiliary equipment: a paint manufacturer uses one level on a multi level sensor to start an auger for mixing paint ingredients, and a high level sensor to open a solenoid valve after the paint has mixed.
YOUR APPLICATION is limited only by imagination and the need to eliminate your liquid level control problems.